ID3AS Blog

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Tips for Avoiding Common SEO Mistakes

Every business can commiserate over the struggle to land in the coveted top spots of an organic search. Even a beautifully designed website can suffer from low analytics without proper exposure in search engines. Take a moment to reflect upon your own search engine experience. Do you typically ...
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What Is Your Type?

With the virtually unlimited selections of type available today, choosing a font can quickly send you down the rabbit hole. Should I choose a font that works in web and print applications? Serif or sans serif? What is a serif? What about a ...
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Web Friendly Fonts

Web Friendly Fonts Google and other companies offer a service called Web Fonts, which supply fonts from your web server rather than from the viewer’s computer. Web Fonts allow for a wide variety of fonts on your site without the fear of having them ...
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Video Ads on YouTube: Define Your Target Audience

Online video advertising has encompassed the marketing and advertising world. Images no longer suffice; an engaging, successful ad needs movement. Twenty percent of online video advertising is spent on the YouTube platform. Many companies find it easy to “plug-and-play YouTube into ...
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Twitter FAQs

Set Up a Twitter Account Twitter is a rapidly growing social media network in which you share “Tweets,” or posts that are restricted to 140 characters. A typical Tweet can convey a wide range of information from quotes to pictures to specials to entertainment. ...

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