ID3AS Blog

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Finding Customer Comments and Reviews

When someone comments on your social media posts, do you respond? Most businesses would say yes. However, the number of comments that are left unattended would suggest otherwise. Leaving your posts unattended sends a message to your customers that you don’t care about their experience ...
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Important SEO Trends to Watch

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is an evolving art form that is contingent on industry trends, and the forces of search engines themselves. A large aspect of the revolving world of SEO is analyzing competitors and determining the ranking factors behind keywords while spotting new ...
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Boosting Engagement with Contests

Everyone wants to increase brand awareness, gain more followers on social media, and eventually increase revenue for their company. One fun, unique way to do so is to tun ...
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Improve Your Social Engagement

Social media provides a free and easy way for you to communicate with your current and potential customers. It allows your company to consistently engage with its followers by posting creative content that encourages them to interact with you and your brand.  As
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Quick Social Media Check-Up

Among the daily chaos and energy it takes to run a successful business, your social media accounts can often fall to the background. Especially if your company is not in the tech/marketing space. Still there are simple checks you can do to make sure that the return on your social efforts, however ...
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The Value of Your Visual Portfolio

Seeing is believing, so why not showcase your brand and business through creative visuals to share with your potential customers? Video has taken control of the internet, and your visual presence has become vital. Customers look for images and video when deciding if a business or ...

ID3AS Blog

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