ID3AS Blog

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Video Marketing Musts

As video has become essential to marketing your business, it’s important to not only engage and actively post video content but to do it right. You will want your video to perform well and successfully enhance your company's growth. So, what should you keep in mind while filming your ...
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Print and Email Marketing Are Alive and Well!

Deciding where your business wants to spend its marketing dollars is not a decision to make lightly. You want to attract new customers and keep your existing customers coming back for more, however, you can’t afford to invest your money in marketing that is not going to deliver the desired ...
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What is GDPR and How Does it Affect Your Business?

While the General Data Protection Regulation has already taken effect, proper understanding is still lacking. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is an EU Regulation that significantly enhances the protection of the personal data of EU citizens, and increases the obligations ...
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Don't Be Spam!

The pace of innovation and the number of resources available to market to your audience is nothing short of incredible. Marketing trends come and go, however, the one category that continues to do well year after year is email marketing. Emails are the ideal way to reach an audience who wants to ...
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Practical Approach To Effective Public Relations

Public Relations is often defined as “free advertising”, sending a simple press release to local newspapers or curating a productive message to the media. This misleading interpretation of what public relations truly entails can lead businesses down the wrong path in handling their ...
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Using Original Content to Drive Traffic to Your Website

Nobody wants to read old news, and that is especially true for visitors to your website! The content that you provide on your site should be fresh, new, and most importantly, original. In terms of SEO (Search Engine Optimization), original content is key and a powerful way to boost your ...

ID3AS Blog

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