
Your Email Account: How to Access Webmail and Set Up Preferences 


Let us walk you through how to add your email account to third party email clients.

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Access Your Email via Internet

To access your webmail account via the internet, please go to http://webmail.d3corp.net.

Your login will be the full email address (i.e. joesmith@yourdomainname.com) and password provided by D3.

Create an Email Signature

Your email signature can include job title, company name, addresses, phone numbers, or any content you want to display. You can even upload images to add to your signature to give it some extra character. View our Setup Guide for detailed instructions on creating and personalizing your email signature.

Multiple-File Attachments

The ability to attach multiple files is available in webmail! It accompanies the design and usability improvements made to the compose window. In order to attach multiple files, you need Flash or an HTML5 browser (such as Firefox 3.6). If you do not have Flash, you will simply revert back to the single-file attachment functionality.

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Email Setup Guides

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The following will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to set up and use your desktop email software, please select your software from the drop-down list:

Wireless Device Guides

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The following will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to set up and use your wireless device, please select your software from the drop-down list:


If you are using our webmail and are setting up your email software (e.g., Outlook, Thunderbird), you must indicate how you want to receive email—either with a POP connection or an IMAP connection. IMAP is quickly becoming the preferred method, since it gives you complete access to all email and all email folders, from multiple computers or mobile devices.

Note: Microsoft Exchange users access their mailbox data via the Exchange server, rather than using a POP or IMAP connection.


When you check your email with a POP connection, new email messages are downloaded to your computer and are then deleted from the email server. Access: Since your email is stored on your computer, you must be at your computer to access your email. Storage: You don't need to worry about running out of online storage space. Since you're downloading your emails to your computer, you can keep as many emails as your computer can store. Backup: You should implement an effective backup system for your computer, in case you need to retrieve lost or deleted emails. Internet Connection: You will need an Internet connection to download email, but you can view your downloaded email offline (i.e., without an Internet connection).


When you check your email with an IMAP connection, you are accessing and managing your email directly from the email server. Access: Since the emails are stored on the email server, you can access and manage your email and email folders from multiple computers or mobile devices. Storage: If you have limited online storage space, you may need to delete some emails periodically to avoid exceeding your storage capacity. Backup: Email is automatically backed up every evening; so, if you accidentally delete an email, your email administrator can retrieve it—even up to 14 days later. Internet Connection: If you do not have an Internet connection, you cannot access your email.

Note: By default, email software applications (e.g., Outlook, Thunderbird) store your sent, draft, and trash email on your computer, rather than storing it on the email server (as it should with an IMAP connection). You may need to make some adjustments to your email software setup so that sent, drafts, and trash email will be stored in your online Sent, Drafts, and Trash folders.


Best Email Practices

There are many key factors in practicing safe and sufficient email use.


Avoid complex formatting. Things like providing HTML and text versions of the message content, properly constructed and formatted email headers, and adherence to specifications for sending an email (SMTP) are fundamental to sending good mail. If you’re sending HTML email, ensure that it’s properly constructed. Things like missing/empty tags, poor formatting, and non-standard conventions are spam indicators.

Don’t insert active components (javascript, ActiveX, plug-ins) in your message. If you need rich media content, just link to a media-rich page on your web site. Also, be sure to use personalized greetings/salutations. Generic salutations make your content more likely to appear as unsolicited mail to spam filters. Do not use links that contain IP addresses. Using IP addresses is a huge red flag for spam filters. Additionally, avoid using symbols for letters in words; spellings like “str@nge”, “|etters”, and “g00gle” in your emails are often classified as spam.

Email Recipients

It's important to pay attention to not only who you are sending emails to, but also to how many people. Avoid 'blasting' emails to hundreds of recipients on your own, as they tend to indicate spam. Our hosted email platform does not offer bulk email services. We recommend using a reputable bulk email service to send out your content! This will ensure your emails are sent out safely and conform to industry best practices for delivering high-volume email. 

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