ID3AS Blog

Optimize Your Marketing Strategy Through Personalized Retargeting

Capturing Leads

While there isn’t an exact science to converting leads into customers, timing clearly plays a significant role. When a new visitor is browsing your website, maybe they are comparing prices, researching your company, signing up for your newsletter, checking your reviews, or the time is right and they are ready to engage.

Depending on where they are in the sales funnel, makes a difference in the types of marketing messages they are looking to receive. What you don’t want to do is let them slip away because they weren’t quite ready to buy on the spot. That’s why it's important to have effective strategies in place for cultivating leads to convert them to customers in a proactive and personalized way.

Leadz is D3’s solution for nurturing leads. This data capture tool pulls information from roughly a third of anonymous visitors to a website, including name, address, and email address without requiring the visitor to fill out and submit a form. D3 shares the collected lead captures with the client and imports them directly into their email marketing account on a weekly basis. We have clients that have collected hundreds of new leads in a matter of just a few weeks!

Remarketing with Personalized Messages

The next step is the fun part - The creative! D3’s marketing team develops personalized retargeting ads and email marketing campaigns with relevant messaging related to recent engagements with your brand, that are delivered to people who have previously interacted with your website. Maybe it’s a reminder about that pair of shoes they were eyeing that just dropped in price or the end of summer sale on patio furniture.

Customer Retention

The beauty of “remarketing” is the ability to pick up where your customer left off without skipping a beat. Don’t forget to show some love to your current customer base! This audience is just as valuable as attracting new customers because we all know consumer retention is vitally important to a company’s growth. Your marketing message will look different because you may be thanking them for being a customer, offering them an accessory to go with their most recent purchase, or offering them an incentive for being loyal to your brand. Either way, you have the tools necessary to stay relevant, no matter the message. Are you ready to retarget and remarket to your customers? Contact D3 for more information!

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