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A Guide to Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads for your business is a budget-friendly way to promote your products and services to a wide audience of your choosing. Facebook has nearly 3 billion users, making it the largest and most popular social media platform. Plus, with Metaverse’s ownership of Instagram, Facebook Ads can reach 2 billion active users on that platform as well.

Facebook Ads are designed to get your message out to exactly the right people every time. There are many Facebook ad options available for all kinds of advertisers and businesses. D3 is here to help you find which ones will benefit you the most and help your company thrive!

Campaign Objective - What Do You Want Your Ads to Achieve?

When considering your campaign objective, you should consider what stage your business is in. Are you trying to get your audience to know who you are (brand awareness)? If you’re further along than that and are starting to build a following, you may want people to start choosing your brand over others (consideration). Finally, if your following is strong and the audience is responsive, you’ll want to push for them to take action (conversions).


Brand Awareness - Increase users' awareness of your business, brand, or service.

Reach - Show your ad to as many people as possible in your target audience.

Goal = Awareness, then Call To Action = Download, Learn More, Apply Now.


Traffic - Send people from Facebook to any URL you choose, such as your website's landing page, a blog post, app, etc.

Engagement - Reach people more likely to engage with your post. Engagement includes likes, comments, and shares but can also include offers claimed from your page.

App Installs - Send people to the Apple or Google Play store where they can download your business's app.

Video Views - Share videos of your business with the people on Facebook most likely to watch it.

Lead Generation - Collect leads for your business. Create ads that collect information from people interested in your product, such as sign-ups for newsletters.

Messages - Connect with people on Messenger, Instagram Direct, and WhatsApp. Communicate with potential or existing customers to encourage interest in your business.

Goal = Consideration, then Call To Action = Download, Contact Us, Learn More, Book Now.


Conversions - Encourage people to take a specific action on your business's site, such as adding items to a cart, downloading your app, registering for your site, or making a purchase.

Catalog Sales - Show products from your e-commerce store's catalog to generate sales.

Store Traffic - Promote your brick-and-mortar business locations to people that are nearby.

Goal = Conversion, then Call To Action = Message Us, Apply Now, Get Quote, Subscribe, Sign Up.

Audience - Who Do You Want to See Your Ads?

Who is your buyer? Consider age, gender, location, interests, and behavior. You should also assess whether they are new or existing fans of your page/business. If you don’t narrow down your targeting, your audience will be too broad, which will use up your budget but return a low relevance score. Likewise, if your audience is too small, you won’t reach enough people to get the click-throughs you need.

Not sure where to begin? Explore the demographics, interests, and behaviors of people on Facebook and people connected to your page with Audience Insights.

Creative - Picking the Right Ads for You

Feed Ads: These ads are the traditional creative that a user may be used to seeing on their feed when scrolling. A static image with a cool headline will grab a user's attention and get straight to the point.


Collection Ads: Collection ads are great for those with an online store looking to showcase their products. These often appear as shopping ads with several items for sale, prices, and information about the merchandise.

Boosted Ads: Have an existing post on your feed that is performing well in terms of likes, engagements, and shares? Boost that post! These “mini ads” can help capitalize on content that is already working for you. But beware—boosted posts give you less control of your target audience, where, how, and when your ad is shown.

Video Ads: Video ads are always the best option if possible, especially when used in Facebook and Instagram stories! They also have the option to be displayed in the feed when scrolling with regular posts and videos. You can get much more creative by showcasing your products, demonstrating services, or just creating a GIF that grabs attention.


Messenger Ads: Ads can be shown in messenger listed in between messenger chat rows. This gives you advertising access to the 1.3 billion people who use Facebook messenger. A similar option is “Click-to-Messenger” ads in the Facebook feed that open a Messenger chat with the user and your Facebook page.

Carousel Ads: Carousel ads allow for more imagery and content to be displayed either as story posts or in the feed. The carousel will show multiple slides and have text at the top to include any usual information that you can add to a Facebook post, such as text and links.


Stories Ads: As we mentioned previously, story ads work very well! These are great options for video, image, and carousel ads to grab your audience’s attention in a place other than the feed.

Lead Ads: As the name might give away, lead ads are often used for lead generation. These ads are directly used to point a customer in the right direction, calling on them to take action and directing them where they want to go. A form is created for users to submit information without having to leave the Facebook platform at all.

Are you interested in Facebook Ads for your business? See what D3 can do for you!

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