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The Importance of Branding Your Business

Whether you’re a well-established business looking to refresh your look for the new decade, or just getting started, it’s vital to understand how to brand your company, and why it’s so important. Your logo and branding will make a huge impact on the first impression your business makes with potential clientele.

“Branding is the controlled manifestation of the Brand’s identity through the application of logo or other guidelines to advertising, communications, packaging, and so on.” - Kate Kaplan

The branding of your business plays a large role in how your business is perceived and experienced, but it is often overlooked. This is why the Designers of D3 have created a guide of basic information that you need to know when branding your business.  

The Difference Between Branding and a Logo

A logo is defined as a “graphic representation or symbol of a company name, trademark, abbreviations, etc., often uniquely designed for ready recognition.” This is a mark that typically includes text, along with a visual that represents your brand. In some cases, this is just text, where the text, or typography, can be manipulated to create a visual that acts as a logo mark. When working with a designer to create a logo for your brand, the possibilities are endless. The best, most understood logos are simple, easily recognized, and legible enough to be applied to all assets owned by your business, such as business cards, car wraps, decals, etc. 

Branding, on the other hand, encompasses the identity of your business. Branding includes your logo, website, packaging, and promotional materials, all of which should incorporate your logo, and communicate your brand. Google provides an excellent example of their own branding below:


Source image found here

Guides to Consulting a Designer

It is critical to consult with a designer in the beginning phases of creating your logo and developing your company’s branding. It’s vital to hire a skilled designer because they have the education and experience to create a beautiful representation of your company and brand. More so, designers are skilled problem solvers and will take visibility, conceptuality, and legibility into consideration. They have the practical answers that your company needs such as what file types you’ll need for the various formats you intend on using your logo for. 

Preparing for Consultation 

At D3, we suggest getting prepared for your design consultation by taking the time to really think about your business and your brand. How would you like to be represented? What is your purpose? How do you want others to see you? A simple way to prepare for this is to write a list of adjectives that describe who your business is, and what you want to do with your business. 

At D3, we like to ask our clients a few questions to get this process started, including; ‘list symbols or objects that identify with your business’, and ‘who is your target audience’, among many others. Once you’ve identified these various points, your designer will take everything into consideration while developing your logo and branding, and be able to provide you with one cohesive representation of your brand! 

For more information, please contact D3 at 410-213-2400, or email us at

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